Interregional business conference of UNION PAPER and BOARD
The interregional business conference of the UNION PAPER and BOARD company was held on March 16, 2023 in Samarkand. The purpose of the event is to exchange current scientific information and practical experience, as well as discuss the current state and methods of improving the paper industry.
Межрегиональная бизнес конференция компании UNION PAPER and BOARD прошла 16 марта 2023 года.в г.Самарканде. Целью мероприятия является обмен актуальной научной информацией и практическим опытом, а также обсуждение текущего состояния и методов совершенствования бумажной индустрии.
Inter-provincial business conference of UNION PAPER and BOARD company was held in Samarkand. The purpose of the event was to discuss current issues related to the industry and exchange practical theoretical experiences. In addition, issues related to the development of the industry were also discussed.